Now that the country has welcomed the new normal, how do you improve and continue your business while staying compassionate of the situation, cautious of the threats and precautions, and authentic marketers? As we go on the 4th month of being under quarantine, business entities are slowly adapting to the new normal and putting back …
In a blink of an eye, the world has faced a series of serious global issues and trials including the vast spread of Coronavirus or popularly known as COVID-19. With most countries still implementing Home Quarantine, people are advised to stay home and practice social distancing. Although the pandemic has slowed down businesses did you …
As we go to the next chapter of Community Quarantine, the marketing of any business is full of challenges. Before you start your next business strategy, you need to be able to solve problems facing your target customers. That is why Digital Marketing is one of the most effective business tactics during the quarantine. Understanding …
As the COVID-19 outbreak has resulted to the disruption of people’s daily routine, it is not surprising that businesses have been greatly affected. The economy has slowed down and cash flow may currently be difficult. Now more than ever, you should consider incorporating Digital Marketing into your marketing plan. Since the pandemic quickly spread out …
Introduction Another decade has begun and we can’t hide the fact as the days, months, and years past technology keeps evolving. As we take a look back to imagine how our system, culture, lifestyle and even businesses changed by technology. In 2019 42.5% of the population are using a smartphone that’s almost 3.2 Billion people keeping connected …
Branding is not limited to enterprises only in this period, it could also refer to an item or a person. By using social media, it is easier to build your brand and personality. However, building a brand doesn’t happen overnight as it takes time, effort and dedication. Now, the question is, why is social media …
Branding is more than just a good title, a cool logo, or a nice advertisement. According to Entrepreneur Asia Pacific, branding is the marketing practice of creating a name, symbol or design that identifies and differentiates a product from other products. It is how you present your product or services to your audience/target market, with …
Marketing refers to any activity conducted by a company to promote the buying or selling of a product or service. It includes advertising, selling, and delivering products to consumers or other businesses. Before, marketing is limited by newspapers, televisions radios, and flyers. Now, marketing has infinite potential through the use of various digital platforms. Let us define …
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